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 Certified Gracie University Training Center® - East Sarasota

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu East Sarasota

Amazing programs for kids and adults to get more focused, fit, and confident.

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu

At Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, we are proud to be the only Gracie Certified Training Center® in Sarasota. We're helping men, women, and children from all across our community take on the world of Grace Jiu-Jitsu® and build their skills one step at a time.

We work hard to maintain a safe, supportive facility where you can have a blast learning new skills and face life with more confidence than ever before.

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in a safe and structured


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Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Training Programs We Offer

Gracie Combatives®

By far the most popular program, Gracie Combatives is comprised of 36 techniques that have been applied more times by a GJJ practitioner during a real street fight than all other techniques combined. These 36 techniques are divided into 23 one hour long classes, and can be taken…

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Gracie Bullyproof®

This program is designed by the Gracie’s to teach children the beginning stages of combatives, how to deal with bullies and how to have some fun. This program consists of 10 Gracie games that kids absolutely love! Each game has movements that build the foundation to the combatives…

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Women Empowered®

Women Empowered is the official Gracie self-defense program for women based on the techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). In this 10-lesson program, we will teach you how to neutralize the 15 most common attacks ranging from having your hair grabbed to being pinned to…

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Reflex Development

Reflex development is a program designed to enhance your instincts with combatives. After completing each combatives lesson twice you will be allowed into this program. We combine multiple techniques from the combatives lessons to simulate what may occur during a real attack…

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Structured Learning
Gracie Jiu-Jitsu® is for everyone, but only if taught correctly. While most BJJ schools have taken a “one-size-fits-all” approach to teaching the art, Gracie University has gone to great lengths to create specific programs for each demographic: Gracie Bullyproof® for kids (ages 5-12), Women Empowered® for the ladies, Gracie Combatives® for beginner adults, and the Master Cycle® for advanced practitioners. Each program adheres to a set curriculum, so students know exactly what they will learn before they come to class. Every student is issued an attendance card on which we track daily progress, so they can see how much they’ve accomplished and exactly what it will take to move on to the next level. In a martial art where confusion and frustration are extremely common, we’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that you will enjoy the highly-structured and encouraging approach only found at Certified Gracie Jiu-jitsu Training Centers.

Safe Training Environment
At our CTCs, safety is the number one priority. In far too many BJJ schools, the classes are structured to meet the needs of the most elite students. If you are a beginner student, you are expected to serve as a “grappling dummy” for those above you. The thought process is, if you avoid injury, and stick around long enough, you will eventually figure it out. At our CTCs we take the opposite approach. Firstly, there is no competitive sparring in our beginner programs. As a result, you’ll have a chance to learn all the beginner techniques in a fully-cooperative environment, with like-minded training partners, for 8-12 months. Once you move on to the advanced program, and you begin sparring, you will have the benefit of working with training partners, of every skill level, who are working with you rather than against you. This culture of collaboration and mutual benefit is extremely rare in jiu-jitsu, and we go to great lengths to make sure it is upheld at all of our CTCs.

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